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Coaching | ONE MONTH

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Product Details

The most robust way to engage with Bottom Left Drawer is through our coaching service. We’ve found that doing this work together is exponentially more effective than trying to do so on your own. Each week of coaching consists of the following (the initial intake session applies to new clients).

Initial Intake Session | in this call we'll discuss the 9 segments of Bottom Left Drawer. You'll determine which segment/s you'd like to start with, identify what you'd like to accomplish and craft a plan for getting it done. We'll establish a standing weekly appointment (see Weekly check-in call below).

Weekly check-in call | 20 minute phone call or Zoom meeting. We'll discuss what you accomplished the week prior, determine the tasks for the week ahead and the time you want to allocate for the work.

Resources | resources, specific to the segment you're working on, will be provided

Text communication | weekly text messages to equip, encourage & inspire. This is's not for everyone, but some find this helpful.

Your plan for the day | you can text us your plan for the day. Also optional, because this also isn't for everyone, but some find this ever so helpful.

PS: Each month consists of 4 weeks of coaching. For the months that consist of 5 weeks you can spend the time celebrating the work you've done and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from doing so!

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